Name: Valeriy
Surname: [unknown] (married Apocalypse)
Age: 25
Sex: Cis male
Sexuality: Gay
Height: 1,80m (1,85m with ears)
Likes: Otto, sleeping in warm places during winter, cuddles, music, fighting, scratches behind the ears, anything Otto cooks, laying on Otto's lap, teasing Otto in bed.
Dislikes: Honkai, summer, people touching his tail (aside from Otto), being told who he can and can't like, losing his loved ones.
Abilities: Honkai resistance, enhanced speed, strength, reflexes, cat ears and tail, fangs and claws, ability to morph into a regular grey cat, burst form (nekomata): bigger claws on hand and feet, tail end split in two, ever more enhanced speed, strength and reflexes.
Goals: keep Otto alive, see Otto smile, be with Otto, eradicate Honkai.
Socials ship tag: #ValOtto

Honkai Star Rail profile

[weapon]: Claws
[path]: The Hunt
[element]: Wind
[occupation]: Traveler
[region]: Astral Express
[rarity]: 5*
[age]: 25
[birthday]: ???

[character details]:
A mysterious cat-like human traveler who joined the Astral Express in search of a certain person. Despite being friendly with everyone, very little is known about him. What is his goal? Just what, or who, is he looking for?
[first meeting]: Hi! My name’s Valeriy, nice to meet you! I’m just a little cat on a quest, don't mind me too much.
[greeting]: Nice to see you here! Fancy a snack with me?
[parting]: Fate works in many different ways, I’m sure we’ll meet again!
[about self: cat features]: You’re asking if there are others like me where I come from? Ehe, not exactly. You might say I’m one of a kind.
[about self: quest]: I traveled for so long, far and wide, through multiple universes, in search of a certain someone. No, I don’t know their name in this universe, but I’ll recognize them as soon as I see them.
[hobbies]: Other than training, I kind of absorbed March 7th’s photography hobby. But I’m far from being at her level. Mostly, I like napping in the sun, I’m partly a cat after all.
[annoyances]: I’m not merciful to those who try to stop me from reaching my goal. Uh? Don’t worry, you have nothing to fear from me.
[chat: traveling]: I used to dislike traveling in my youth. But I’ve been around for so long that I started enjoying it. Lately, I enjoyed it even more thanks to the Astral Express crew.
[chat: relationships]: I don’t have any relatives, and my friends are mostly other travelers, scattered all around the universe. Significant other? No, I’m not seeing anyone, not yet at least. It’s… complicated, ok?
[about Luocha (Beginning)]: I searched for so long for him, and now… no, no, I need to calm down, it’s still too soon. Just know that he’s a very important person for me, even if he doesn’t know that yet.
[about Luocha (Resolution)] (unlocked after ??? quest is completed): He’s simply… the man I love. I have nothing more to say than that, only that now that I found him, I will never leave his side again. I’m glad he’s back…
[about the Astral Express]: A friendly bunch, eccentric but lovely. Traveling with them has been a real pleasure, an honour to be regarded as one of the Nameless. Even if the smell of coffee is sometimes too strong for my nose.
[about March 7th]: Another person with a mysterious past… but that doesn’t really matter when you’re on the field taking photos. She taught me a lot of tricks to improve my photography skills!
[about Welt Yang]: Oh, him? I’ve been a fan of his works for a long time. I completely consumed my old VHS of Arahato by watching them over and over again.
[about Jing Yuan]: I don’t trust him. Or better, I trust he’ll do his job, but I dislike the way he looks at Luocha, as if he was waiting for any reason to arrest him. He gives me the chills. Maybe it’s unjustified, but I learnt to trust my guts.
[about Argenti]: I understand his passion, but I could never share his faith. After all, how am I supposed to search for Beauty when I already found it in the man I love? I wish him the best though.
[about Aventurine]: Beneath his flamboyant mannerism, he's hiding much more of him, I am sure of that. I wonder how events will unfold.
[basic]: Beware!
[skill]: Feel the sharpness of my claws!
[ult]: Breaking point!
[ult, sped up]: Out of my way!
[taking damage]: Didn’t hurt!
[heavy hit taken]: Ouchie ouchie!
[fallen]: Just… taking a quick nap…
[revived]: Yaahun… fine, fine, I’ll wake up.

Honkai Impact 3rd profile

Plot:Born in Italy, his family moved to Russia for his father's work when he was 11. Soon after, he and his family were among the victims of the Second Eruption. His family, father, mother and a younger sister, died due to Honkai, while he survived thanks to his Honkai adaptability.
He was taken in by Cocolia at first, but only a few weeks after he was sent to Jackal, as Honkai-resistant males are quite rare.
There, he spent many years being genetically experimented on, based on existing experiments and leftovers of the previous Era.
He and Stan come from different batches of experiments, but starting from the same premises. Valeriy is the sole survivor among the human test subjects.
From then on, his memories of his life before are hazy at best and missing at worst.
He was also essentially brainwashed against Otto (like Kovu in The Lion King 2)
Once he met him, in his cat form, he already felt physically attracted, but after some time, being able to stay alone with Otto, he started to appreciate him, and fell in love really badly.
Once discovered, Otto confronted him, and instead of fighting Valeriy pledged his loyalty to him, and Otto accepted. Instead of a secret agent, Otto kept him more like company, eventually starting to fall for the boy.Later on, Valeriy volunteered to be experimented on by Otto, to enhance his powers. He got turned into the artificial Herrscher of Blood.
After Kolosten, Valeriy saves Otto.
Link to fanfic "The Overseer and the Cat" (Warning: NSFW)
Powers: Ability to morph into a cat at will. Clothes will be retained if made of special fibers.
Burst mode + Herrscher of Blood: His tail splits into two (nekomata), the tip is engulfed in magenta flames. Boost to senses, agility, strength.
Blood Control: Can create and control blood to be liquid or form into sharp spears and projectiles to launch or claws for melee fights.
Terpsichore (O Tersicore): Can control human and blood-based creatures body movements inside a certain range. Does not control their mind. With blood samples, can control non-humans and alien creatures (ie Swarm creatures)
Alternate Ending (Star Rail): After Valeriy failed to save him(alternative ending), Otto's soul is scattered around the worlds, so Valeriy travels to collect all the pieces. All fragments retain a part of Otto's memories, so all instances of Otto find Valeriy familiar and tend to trust him.He takes the form of different characters (Wizardmon in Digimon, Kuja in Final Fantasy, Volo in Pokémon)
After traveling for a long time (even on the Astral Express) and collecting all the pieces in a jewel, Valeriy has to find the final one, a bigger part of his soul who also has Otto's look: Luocha. He's the most similar one to the original Otto, and after merging with the fragments, he recovers his memories and feelings for Valeriy.
Existing AUs:
-Monster!AU, where Valeriy is a were-cat and Otto is a vampire.
-Doyle!AU, where the rich aristocrat and businessman Otto Apocalypse and his secretary (and secret lover) Valeriy Alexandrov enlist the help of Sherlock Holmes to decipher a mysterious treasure map and the suspicious number of accidents leading up to murders revolving around it.
-Modern!AU, millionaire game industry CEO Otto and graphic designer Valeriy, whose sister is a friend of Theresa and set the couple up.
-Evil!AU, where Otto's actually evil and wants to conquer the world. Valeriy, as his lover and right arm man, helps him.
-Hunter x Hunter!AU, Otto is pretty much the same as in HI3 and Val is his secretary, and following Otto's orders Val contacts the Phantom Troupe to infiltrate an inexpugnable caveau because someone stole something from Otto and hid it there.
-Fate!AU, Otto is a distant relative of Kirschtaria Wodime, Val is his secretary, both take part in a 7v7 HGW